Student Council

The purpose of the Student Council will be to coordinate and lead the ministry and programs of

the Wesley Foundation. As representatives of the Wesley Foundation, Council members must be

sensitive to the needs and wishes of the group.

The objectives of each program area will be determined at group planning sessions. Each

Council member should see that these areas are administered properly and take appropriate

action to correct any problems. Each Council member has the responsibility not only of leading

his or her program area, but also of supporting all facets of the Wesley Foundation and its

ministry. The greatest effort will be taken to enable the Council members to have the

responsibility for the program areas in which they have the most talents and with which they will

be the most comfortable.

In keeping with the purpose of the Wesley Foundation, the council positions include:

1) Council Chair 2) Council Vice Chair 3) Fellowship Chair

4) Finance Chair 5) Outreach Chair 6) Publicity Chair

7) Service Chair 8) Study Chair 9) Worship Chair

10) Food Ministry Chair 11) Technology Chair 12) Freshman Chair

13) Men’s Chair 14) Women’s Chair

Chair and Vice-Chair positions will be filled during a first election for the Wesley Foundation

Student Council. The remaining standing positions will be elected during a second election.

Positions may be filled by two co-chairs if desired, excluding the positions of Chair and

Vice-Chair. The descriptions for each standing position will be found in a separate document and

may be modified before elections each year.

*for Chair & Vice Chair, one must have served as a standing or at-large chair for at least one year in order to be eligible to apply

At Large Positions

A third election will be held to elect any at-large positions on the Wesley Foundation Student

Council. Students may apply to lead a specific program area as they deem fit.

Students may apply to lead other program areas not listed above as they desire. Note that these

chairs are not required to be filled. Details regarding position responsibilities for each of these

council members will be determined at a meeting of the Campus Minister, Chair, Vice Chair and

at-large position chair, following council elections. Eligibility requirements are the same as those

for standing council positions, excluding the Chair and Vice Chair.


For Wesley Council Elections there will be a one-week voting period for Council Chair and Vice Chair in the Spring Semester. Following the chair and vice chair election, a one-week voting period for Council Standing Positions will be held. After this, another one-week voting period for At-Large Positions will begin. For all elections, candidates will be notified about the election results shortly after.

How To Apply!

All interested applicants must be familiar with the rules governing the Student Council and

election procedures. Applications will be available at least one week prior to the submittal

deadline. Applications for at-large positions will be released at the conclusion of the election for standing positions.

For more information or any questions, please contact a Wesley staff member